Sweet Ds Luv Shak

Sweet D's Dating Service for lonely IT squares whole cant engineer a date socially.  Please note subscriptions start at $9.95 and go up as your social skills go down!

We offer anLonely Tired IT Techs can find amusement and interesting things here!

Removing the stress of 3rd party installs

Sweet D's Merchendise

Guru Kyle's new book.  "The Technical Guru"  In this book you can learn all of Kyle's tips and techniques for remaining a cool, calm technician who almost gets his work done while completing 18 holes daily!

Robert H's new tome!  Robert's Dress for success!  or how I make these shorts look good! Robert can make short's look good and his cable management looks better!

Your very own Retirement Count Down Clock.  this will allow you to track how many days till retirement.  Warning as the time approaches  0    this clock runs infinitely slower.

This item is sold out  Dale and Rick are fighting over who gets the last one in stock.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Rob's best seller !  How Not to dismount a motorcycle!  Which includes 101 ways to tuck and roll without breaking knees and arms.  This is a best seller after he demonstrates the improper ways of getting off what he calls a motorcycle, what we in Texas call minibikes.  His view of vehicles may be permanently distorted by the size of his work vehicle.

"Surviving jumping from the Frying Pan into the Fire"  This is another hot seller written by Mike who demonstrates how upgrading your job title can cost you your lunch money!

Ben's new thrilling Novel!   "Silence of the Ben"   Full of details you already knew.  Dont be scared you already know its fiction.

Used Dickes Blue Short Sleeved Shirts.  These durable well used shirts have a few weeks life left in them.  They have seen a lot of field action.  IF shirts could only talk...  6 available

This offering has 1001 ways to love CBE and includes the additional blog writings of 305 CBE installs that all can love.  This is complete with Images that cant be show here due to images of cable bundles that were tie-wrapped and then covered by velcro tape, hanging wires,  incorrectly wired PDU's/UPS's and pinpads, and incorrectly installed printers.  Marisa's loving explanation of all the things CBE can do for you will keep you in stunned silence for hours.

Scenic Drive from Clovis to Fort Worth is a must have for the Texas traveler.  Rick has documented every natural interesting, not interesting and amusing land feature along the many various routs which he has meticulously mapped out.  This include every Allsups, QT, and mom and pop store you can stop in for a bio break. He has even named all the cacti along the way and will provide a genealogy chart of their decendants.  he literally knows every last detail of these drives.  He puts on a happy face when hes headed to Clovis.   We need not wonder why!

The Farmers Guide to Repairing Electronics is a must have for all serious technicians. Dale shows the proper art of repairing almost anything with duct tape, bailing wire and the healthy application of super glue.  Dales writings will show you the proper way to repair most anything following the guideline of never force it just use a bigger hammer.  Dale also provides insight on the best way of getting the very last drop- of gas out of your gas tank and not having to walk.  (Please note:  do not try these techniques with out extensive training or experience, Dale has been squeezing gas fumes our of clean up rags and miles out of worn out vehicles for years. Only Dale has gotten 600,000 miles out of one vehicle!)

Sweet D Himself!  Sweet D provides many lines of wisdom that will keep you in stitches for hours.  He tells of ways to "Reply All" to emails and somehow keep your job.  His ability to mix burbon, emails, and correct technical difficulties at stores are only somehow restrained by his writing partner, his wife.  Darren's sage advise includes "how to remove electricians from Job sites",  What you can also do with a Gilbarco POS, How Not to get STUZOED in a project, and when its best to mute your MIC.  Sweet D is of course famous for starting the IT Professionals Dating Site.  This is a side hussle that may live for a year to come!

The English Dictionary by Tim!  This of course includes only one word.  Saving you time and effort in finding words in a situation that has gone badly. Tim shows you how to use that word as a Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb and Number all in one sentence and make yourself completely understood by all.   Tim's dictionary improves your ability to fully describe situations, people, and actions in all task you undertake!  Even cooking gourmet meals!

How to Talk your Boss Out Of a New Ride is Erics best seller.  While many have tried and failed.  Eric shows it can be done!  Eric is the master of squezing 100% grades from Verifone, Squeezing 6 registers onto a counter that was designed for 2, and Squeezing the boss for a new ride!  Eric was last seen riding off into the sunset....

Ray provides us with insight on how to make money off our used vehicles.  Hit a deer, sell it to Ray cheap, blow an engine, ray is sending a wrecker for the salvage,  Trash a transmission... Ray's your man!  Ray's newest project is to remove the sled ski's off Robs car,  free the dog sled team, and sell that to the local circus for the clowns.

We would have like to provide a picture showing Rudy's latest offering but as the boy's in his hood says, Keep it in the Hood!  Rudy's Instructions on how to open a safe are as mysterious as they are special.  When asked how he does it his reply was, I call the hood and they arrive with sledge hammers.  Not terribly effective but the tales provides hours of amusing photos! Only Ben has provided a more effective way to open a Fire King!  Ray also offers a companion book 1,000,000 ways NuTech can screw up cameras and alarms!

David Is providing all reasons to retire.  

1.  Because having people who are supposed to be certified in Alarm installations call you for instructions on getting past the installer code makes you want to punch someone.

2. Getting out of bed in the morning after wiring a store constitutes a miracle that makes Jeff rethink Atheism

3. Finding out the help desk had a store unplug power to a Commander  to reset the pinpad makes you want to punch someone.

4.  Driving 10 hours a day through deer infested roads is no longer fun.  Especially when it's 10pm on a cold November night.

5. Arriving at a store and not having  the parts you need makes you want to punch someone.

6. Needing to climb a 10' ladder is not the thrill it once was.

7.  Finding out that once again someone has poured coke all over a pinpad makes you want to punch someone.

8. Flashlights no longer provide enough light for you to see the tiny connectors we now work with, they seem to get smaller every year.

9.  Being told that new safes dont break makes you want to punch someone.

10.  You have discovered that Beef and Bean burritos are not part of any food group the doctor recommends

Reasons to not retire I have worked with a World Class Team that constantly amazes me at what they are capable of doing, and the best people I have worked with ever!

Creating Road Blocks and Problems not even our team can get around!

Our Partners

Creating roadblock even you cant get avround


November 8th 2021

New Work Vehicles are High Priority, expect them next quarter!

December 31st 2023

Sweet D's Luv Shak Website is under construction after a 3 year delay!  Its rumored the same people who were working on purchasing vehicles became involved in the web page. The webpage will be completed after a complete over haul of the borders.

February 2nd, 2024  Jeff comes to realize that Republicans are ok after personally shaking Trump's hand.

Special Offer

Sweet D's Question of the day!

We offer an extensive list of services from a kick your ass massage to repeated upgrades  and memorable wasted time as well as treatments for tired techs with cold water reality baths. 

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